Explain the Git Repo:Gradcam pytorch implementation- Part 1
Hello everyone,
there is an ocean of repositories in GitHub, the open-sourced ones, but the main problem with these projects are there is less to no documentation of the code and what actually happens in the code.
In this article i am going to explain about the open source implementation of code of the repo https://github.com/kazuto1011/grad-cam-pytorch

this is how the repo looks like.
we will try to reproduce the results mentioned in this repo documentation.
lets create a virtual environment in a anaconda environment.
this will make the package installation and reproducing the results much more fun without messing with existing installation on conda
create a virtual environment with the name gradcam
conda create -n gradcam python=3.6 anaconda
conda activate gradcam ## activate the virtual environment
#install needed pkg inside the gradcam environment
pip install click opencv-python matplotlib tqdm numpy
pip install “torch>=0.4.1” torchvision
##move inside a directory
mkdir gradcam_image ##make a folder
cd gradcam_image/ ###move into the folder
##clone the repo
pip install “torch>=0.4.1” torchvision
##move into the repo
cd grad-cam-pytorch/
run the following command
python main.py demo1 --help ###gives the details on the flagsDemo1:example 1:single image
python main.py demo1 -a resnet152 \
-t layer4 \
-i samples/cat_dog.pngexample2: more than a single imagepython main.py demo1 -a resnet152 \
-t layer4 \
-i samples/cat_dog.png \
-i samples/vegetables.jpgDemo 2:
function: Grad-CAM at different layers of model(resnet152 here)
class:"bull mastiff"python main.py demo2 -i samples/cat_dog.pngDemo 3:
until now we have used resnet152 model, for this demo3,
we will use xception v1 from other repo and visualize at last convolution layer.python main.py demo3 -i samples/cat_dog.png
all the results of these commands are saved at results folder.
please have a look at the end of each demo
The part 1 is ended here where our sole requirement is to reproduce the results and see them with our eyes.
How the demo 1,demo 2 and demo 3 is done we will get into the detail in the next set of parts.